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Mount Pleasant Bible Church | Missions



Currently there are over twenty missionaries on our list as prayer partners. Listed here are the six missionary families we support by prayer and financially:


Dave Scovill and his late wife Esther served in Indonesia for over fifty years. Mr. Scovill is now serving the church they established from his home in South Carolina


Chandrashekar and Irene Eda serve the Lord by providing leadership to a Bible college, several churches and an orphanage in India.



Walter and Jane Mutti are engaged in a ministry in Massachusetts known as Reaching Your Neighbors For Christ. Walter also has a weekly prison ministry.


Leon and Roseline Joseph serve the Lord in Haiti. Leon is the pastor of a church and overseer of several other pastors aiding them in their ministries.

Ray and Shari Druckenmiller are serving as church planters in Carrollton Ohio.

Luke and Kim Fain are missionaries to Indonesia. Luke teaches in a Christian college and Kim is a  stay at home mom and a homemaker endeavoring to reach out to their neighbors and by the Lord's leading share the gospel with them.

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